0to5 Media Moments: May 2024

By Maggie Markert

In our blog series, Media Moments, the Zer0 to 5ive public relations team highlights a variety of media coverage secured by the team on behalf of our clients every month. Check back each month to get a glimpse at the team’s ongoing work.

As journalism continues to evolve – especially as newsrooms continue to shrink – reporters and editors must make difficult decisions about what to cover. This ultimately makes the job of a public relations professional that much harder. While this scenario is challenging, it should serve as a means of empowerment. Public relations professionals must be more deliberate and specific when pitching the media.

Today, journalists are looking for relevant angles and sources to help them tell their stories more than ever:

  • Nearly 70% report that subjects connected to a trending story make it more shareable
  • Many indicate that subject matter experts (82%), researchers (77%), and CEOs (46%) are the most credible sources for their reporting

At Zer0 to 5ive, we’re always looking for current events related to client research, industry trends corresponding to client technology, and more to create relevance between our clients and news topics.

Check out some of our latest media features and inclusions from May 2024 to see examples of this work!


CNBC’s The Exchange for
Universal Technical Institute, Inc.

There is a growing trend among our nation’s younger generations: opting to pursue skilled trades over traditional four-year college programs. Universal Technical Institute, Inc.’s (UTI) mission is to serve students, partners, and communities by providing quality education and training for in-demand careers, and they have seen this trend firsthand. This enabled our team to pitch UTI’s CEO as an expert to CNBC’s The Exchange to discuss why this trend is occurring and what they see among students within their programs. Watch the interview here.


Forbes for AERDF

The most recent data from The Nation’s Report Card shows that many eighth graders are still reading below a basic level. A recent RAND study underscored this, finding that many secondary school teachers still have to teach foundational reading skills to their students. AERDF pursues multigenerational change through scientific discoveries and inventions that further learners’ brilliance and transform their PreK-12 futures. One of the key areas in which they have deep expertise is reading, which enabled our team to offer the executive director of AERDF’s Reading Reimagined program to a Forbes contributor to discuss the important link between the decoding threshold and how well a child learns how to read. Read the article here.


CIO Dive for Onymos

Over the last year, there have been countless incidents – from accidental data leaks to cyberattacks – related to the popular software model, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). These events have highlighted why the model is flawed, and enterprises should be concerned about data sharing and security practices by those who employ the model. Onymos has long been a proponent of a new software model that puts data ownership and security back in the hands of those who need it most. This point of view has enabled our team to pitch the company’s CEO as a top thought leader, securing opportunities for him to shed light on why companies need to rethink leveraging SaaS. One of the most recent opportunities was for a story from CIO Dive on Slack’s AI policy language. Read the story here.


K-12 Dive for YouScience

While there have long been calls for greater diversity in STEM, interest in pursuing education and career opportunities in these fields has been lower among some student populations – including female and Black students. YouScience, which is on a mission to connect education and careers to help students find success in school and life, has seen this trend in its own aptitude and interest data. Most recently, the company released a report, The 2024 Black Students and STEM Report, that uncovered a significant career exposure gap in STEM for students. Our team pitched this report to K-12 Dive as a resource for its topic coverage, securing the inclusion of research in a relevant story. Read the story here.


TechStrong TV for

Discussions about artificial intelligence’s (AI) impact on various industries have been growing as the technology becomes more sophisticated. Journalists are working diligently to help their readers understand those impacts, including AI’s relationship with multiple business functions and activities such as software development. has worked with many customers on how they can unleash the power of AI for developers by improving processes across their software delivery organization, providing them with a unique perspective. Our team used this background to offer the company’s general manager of intelligent DevOps to TechStrong TV to discuss the topic in a video interview. Watch the interview here.

To learn more about how Zer0 to 5ive can help drive visibility and industry leadership for your company drop us a line.