The Importance of Creating Compelling Social Media Content

Social media has become incredibly prevalent in our daily lives. From the moment we get up to when we go to sleep, we are constantly engaging with some form of online content. For B2B brands, this mindset should be no different. Social media has become an important tool that companies can use to showcase their offering, establish thought leadership, and engage with their target customers and prospects to build loyalty.

During my two summers as a marketing and social media strategy intern at Zer0 to 5ive, I’ve been involved in creating social media content both internally and for clients. In this blog, I’ll dig into best practices for social media research, content organization, and copywriting.

The Importance of Social Media Content for B2B Brands

Social media platforms are more than just channels for self-promotion; they are the bridge between companies and their customers. Everything from products and thought leadership to news announcements can be shared via social channels. Social media content helps B2B brands increase:

  • Brand Awareness: Consistent and engaging content helps increase a brand’s visibility and recognition. It allows brands to share their story and value proposition with a broader audience.
  • Brand Engagement: Social media offers a direct line of communication with customers. Engaging and educational content fosters interaction, builds community, and strengthens customer loyalty. Companies can engage in industry conversations, reshare articles of value and immerse themselves within their industry community.
  • Brand Reputation: Through social media, brands can create and manage their image and respond promptly to industry trends and feedback. This proactive approach helps in building a trustworthy reputation with buyers and partners.
  • Brand Preference: A strategic social media program can help create brand preference and also showcase momentum within the industry with customer case studies, original data, and educational content that provides value.

Writing Social Media Content

Creating social media content is a meticulous process that begins with understanding the company’s social media objectives. Once those are determined, a strategy can be developed that ensures content aligns with goals and fully leverages internal assets – from subject matter experts to white papers and reports.

Getting into the tactics of content creation, there are a few key steps to follow:

  • Research: It’s important to research what’s being said in and around the industry you are writing for, especially when you’re looking to provide commentary on industry trends. Scouring X (Twitter) by searching through accounts and hashtags relevant to whatever client you’re writing for and conducting google searches on keywords is the best place to start.
  • Content Curation: When looking for content that you can comment on related to industry trends, you should carefully review multiple articles. This not only helps with information gathering, but provides insight into different approaches brands are talking about and how you may be able to best provide additional color. You must also consider what your audience will find valuable and engaging.
  • Drafting and Editing: Each post should be crafted to be concise, engaging, and aligned with the brand’s voice. It can be helpful to share your drafts with a team member for editing to ensure clarity and correctness if you have any doubts. This can also help you make sure that each post hooks the target audience, leaves an impact, and is error-free.
  • Scheduling and Analysis: Once your post is live, you are able to track its performance. By looking at the performance of your posts over time, you can better understand what your audience engages with and appreciates. That allows you to continually refine your content strategy and test new approaches.

Creating social media content is both an art and a science. It requires you to immerse yourself in each brand. Social media is a powerful tool, and with the right strategy and execution, it can elevate a brand and leave a lasting impact – so much more than another click on LinkedIn.

To learn more about how B2B brands can win at other forms of content marketing, check out our previous blog on this topic!

This blog was written by our 2023 and 2024 summer intern, Espy Zelov.