How Can Pinterest Benefit Your Business?

pinterest for business

Pegged by some as a passing fad in the realm of social media, Pinterest continues to prove skeptics wrong. This online “pinboard” website is no longer just a place for women to drool over designer wedding dresses and impractical DIY projects. With the amount of consumer traffic Pinterest gets every day, businesses are beginning to recognize the benefits this social media site could have for them as a free marketing tool. Pinterest has even recognized this trend and has created Pinterest for Business accounts to make it even easier. Below are a few ways your business can start using Pinterest:

1. Build Your Company’s Brand

Pinterest is a great way to give people an overview of what your company is all about. Make sure aspects of your website are easily pinable and be the first to post about your latest developments. In addition to products, you can pin aspects of your company culture, other brands you like, articles you are reading, and links to recent blog posts. Your pinboards will give customers and prospects a better idea of who you are as a company.

2. Drive Traffic to Your Website

Through pinning (and re-pinning) items from your own website and blog, you can drive traffic back to your site. It’s great to have people continually re-pinning your website’s content, but be sure to create pins that allow the user to click through to your blog or website. This way they not only see the image you pinned, but they can read your article and check out the rest of your site too.

3. Help Your Reputation

Pinning content other than your own products will help keep your Pinterest page relevant and worth following on a daily basis. Pinning products and images that your buyers are interested in will help build your company’s credibility as a thought leader, tastemaker or trendsetter. If you and your customers see value in similar things, they are more likely to trust you and your products.

Post by Jenna Lark
Zer0 to 5ive Graphic Designer
Twitter: @jennalark