Lessons in Persistence – Placing Op-Eds in a Year of Unrelenting News

As PR professionals, we are charged with staying on top of the news and events happening all around us – and 2024 has been a non-stop year! With the convergence of major global events, geopolitical tensions, extreme weather, economic challenges (hello, inflation), and the U.S. presidential election, trying to break through the media noise with a well-timed, well-written and compelling op-ed has been challenging.

Have an opinion? So does everyone else. Afraid to offend with a strong stance? Your competitors and others aren’t.

The lessons below may not be new, but they are a strong reminder that timing is everything and words matter. As Einstein famously said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. If at first, you don’t succeed, try again – or it may be time to pivot.

  1. Make a crystal clear argument – The meaning of an op-ed is an opinion editorial – not a marketing blog or byline article. If there is no clear opinion from the author, then it’s not an op-ed. Make a convincing case for why your opinion holds weight without putting those with opposing views down. You can be bold and provocative without being harsh.
  2. Consider timeliness – One of the trickiest parts of placing an op-ed is writing quickly enough to submit your piece within the very tight time frame of the news cycle. A strong op-ed should address a current event, trend, or hotly contested topic. Knowing the outlet you are writing for is also a key part of successful placement – audience matters. Your op-ed should be tied to something relevant to the publication’s audience to increase the likelihood of getting the editor’s attention.
  3. Provide a unique perspective – What can you offer to a debate that is unique and provides a different point of view from what has already been argued time and again? Analogous to the business strategy of finding the blue ocean, think critically about what hasn’t been already said to find the untainted argument that hasn’t been made yet.
  4. Find support for your POV – When appropriate, support your argument with evidence; include recent statistics and high-quality research from credible, objective and respected sources to back up your claims.
  5. Be concise – Most op-eds should stay within 500-800 words and are written for the average reader. Leave the jargon for the experts.
  6. End with a clear call to action – By the end of the article, it should be clear to the reader what you are asking them to do – is your goal just to make them aware, change their opinion, or do you want them to take initiative and make a move?
  7. Don’t overlook the trades – We all would love our clients to be featured in the NYT, Washington Post, or other national outlets – that’s why the competition for getting an op-ed placed in those outlets is so fierce. It’s one of the best ways to get a bold opinion out there in front of millions of eyeballs. In fact, the NYT typically receives more than 1,000 unsolicited op-ed submissions a week. If your first choice for placement falls through, or it becomes clear that an article is not getting the attention of the national media, don’t sit back on the trades. In a recent study of B2B leaders and executives, 82% said trade media coverage directly impacts purchase decisions. Getting your point of view in front of the right audience can be just as important as getting in front of a wide audience.
  8. If all else fails, post to LinkedIn – If you are confident that you have a strong op-ed, and have checked all the boxes to make sure it’s a compelling piece, then it just might be that the window of opportunity has passed; timing is tough to always get right. But don’t throw away a good op-ed! If all else fails, having your client post the piece to his or her LinkedIn can build thought leadership and visibility within their network. If it sees a lot of engagement, you can boost it to get it in front of more – and new – targeted readers.

A good piece of content is valuable no matter what and has legs beyond its first home, so opine away!

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